The 18 Most Successful On-Page SEO Checklist & Free PDF Document

onpage seo checklist method Techniques


1.Domain Name

  1. Choose a single word name, its easily memorable and look catchy. 
  2. Choose a high search volume word, but mind that word must be relevant to your business and brand. 
  3. Don’t choose more than 253 character domain names.

2.Meta Title

  1. The meta title is the SERP title, so make it catchy words and choose high search volume words. 
  2. Keep below 50-60 character length of meta title.
  3. Use special characters in meta title will help to improve click-through rate value.
  4. Meta title state your page or blog details, so make it relevant to your website. 

3.Mata Description

  1. A meta description is a small content about your website page or blog. So make relevant content to your website. 
  2. Keep blow under 160 characters in a meta description. 
  3. Keep relevant to meta title and website content. 
  4. Write a catchy sentence for your customers. 

4.URL Optimization

  1. URL optimization means insert your keywords in the URL.
  2. example-
  3. The URL keywords must be relevant to your web page, meta title, meta description.

5.H1-H6 Tag Implementation

  1. Use headings and subheadings in your webpage content.
  2. Use H1 in high search volume keyword or brand word or target keyword. 
  3. Use only one time H1 tag for each web page. 
  4. Use the highly important’s keyword in H1, and make fewer priority keywords in H2. 

6.Content Optimization

  1. Write content for customers.
  2. Don’t make a content copy from any other medium. 
  3. Give bullet points in the content.
  4. Use Blot, Underline, Colouring for important’s words.
  5. Start target keywords with content.
  6. Make 300 words after one paragraph’s
  7. Use an infographic view in content.
  8. Don’t make keyword stuffing. 

7.Image Optimization

  1. Don’t copy the image from other sources.
  2. Keep the image size below 100kb.
  3. Use a proper title for an image and insert the keyword in the title.
  4. Mention your target keyword in the alt text.  

8.Status Code Optimization

  1. Don’t make a 404 error for your website.
  2. Use a proper 301 redirection for the webpage. 

9.Sitemap Implementation

  1. Generate sitemap.xml for your website. It helps to easily- understand your website details for search engines. 
  2. Submit your sitemap.xml in google search console. It helps to -easily index your webpage for google search engine.

10.Robots.txt File Implementation

  1. If you don’t use robots.txt file on your website, search engines can crawl and index your all webpage details, including the admin page also.
  2. The robots.txt file helps you to hide the admin and payment details page from search engines. 

11.Schema Markup Implementation

  1. Schema code helps the search engine to easily understand your webpage details.
  2. For example; if your webpage has faq details, you need to add faq schema code on the same page. so the search engine can understand faq details and it will be shown on SERP. 

12.Internal Linking

  1. Internal linking helps visitors to easily navigate your website. 
  2. An eCommerce site’s internal links improve the conversion. 

13.External Linking

  1. The external links make it more useful to your online visitors.
  2. Don’t give do-follow backlinks for other websites. It can pass your website link juice power to another site.

14.Social Share

  1. Implement social share buttons for all your website pages.
  2. Social share buttons help online visitors to easily share your details on social media platforms. 

15.Mobile Optimization

  1. 90% online visitor comes from a mobile platform, so keep design -your webpage for responsive.

16.Speed Optimization

  1. Website loading speed is an important factor in search engine ranking. 
  2. google page speed insight tool give website speed performance.
  3. Make your website speed above 90. 

17.Footer Optimization

  1. Mention website important links in the footer.  
  2. Footer links act navigator for online visitors
  3. Mention your address and contact details in the footer.
  4. Mention your business social media accounts profile in the footer. 

18.Comment Section

  1. Give a proper response for each comment. 
  2. The daily basis comments make your webpage as a fresh.
  3. The search engines give more priority to fresh content.