12 Most Common SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid & How to Fix the Mistakes

How to Avoid 12 Common SEO Mistakes


12 Most Common SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid & How to Fix the Mistakes

Nowadays, everyone gets in online and trying to get a better rank on SERP results. To get a better rank on SERP, need to do proper SEO. If we get a good rank on the search engine result page, we can get better CTR and leads. But you need to avoid the 12 common mistakes on SEO.

1. Choosing Keywords Without Research

Selecting a target keyword without research is the first mistake on SEO. You need to select conversion-generating keywords. Then only you can get sales, leads. without proper keyword research, you will lose a potential customer

How to do proper keyword research:

  • First, understand the customer base and your product or service
  • Use some paid tools like Ahref, Sumruch, Longtail Pro, etc. these tools help you find better target keywords. Or you can use free Google Keyword Planner.

2. Making Low-Quality Content

The low-quality content makes your website get rank lower. The Google algorithms are finding the best result for search queries, so it scans your content quality. If the algorithm finds your low-quality content, it makes your webpage or website get a low rank.

How to avoid the low-quality content issue:

  • Avoid grammar mistake
  • Don’t make a spelling mistake
  • Use bullet points
  • Optimize internal linking
  • Make bold letters on the target keywords

3. Creating Duplicate Content

Your copycat content makes your page get rank low. The Google Panda algorithm is working to find duplicate content, so the algorithm is easy to find your copycat content. In some cases, you need to face royalty problems sometimes, google banned or blocked your web page.

How to avoid the duplicate content problem?

  • Use Proper canonical tag

4. Stuffing With Keywords on Content

Insert target keywords on content is an excellent method to get rank on the target keyword. But randomly insert the keywords with no meaning on content is a terrible method. Google algorithm easily finds your malpractices and pulls your rank very low.

Keyword density formula = Number of target keywords/ Total number of words on a page.

what is the acceptable keyword density ratio is 0.5% to 2.5% is acceptable

5. Genrating Spammy Links

The most common black hat method is building backlinks with an unknown source, non-relevance websites. But Google Penguin algorithm can find your spam links. After the algorithm may be banned, your website or pull rank deficient. Before doing link building, you need to know the link velocity concept.

Some SEO Experts Say link velocity formula is
Link velocity = Number of visitors come to your website this month / Total number of links build on this month = 70%

Some standard Black Hat link Buildings methods are below you need to avoid the methods:

  • Link exchange
  • Purchase links
  • Posting links on comments

6. Not active on Social Media

Social media platforms are a great place to generate traffic to your website, but many SEO marketers are not active on social media. Social media is a great platform to meet your audience, but it takes more time to get decent traffic. You need to post regularly after only you can get some audience.

7. Meta Titles And Meta Descriptions are Not Unique

This massive mistake on SEO. Gives all the page the same title and description or copy from someone else’s title and description. Search engine crawler first checks the meta title and meta description, and users also check the title and description after only they click your website. So write a proper unique title and description.

How to Avoid Meta Title and Meta Description Mistakes:

  • Don’t write all pages same title and description
  • Ignore adding website name on all the pages title
  • Don’t write more than 56 characters on the title
  • Don’t write more than 156 characters on the description
  • Write eye-catching and SEO friendly title and description
  • Don’t stuff target keywords
  • Write what inside on the page in the description

8. Ignore CTA Improvement

Most of the SEO analyst missed the CTA – Call To Action Buttons. The buttons act vital role on convert the visitor to customers. The animation buttons make more attention and improve the CTR – Click Through Rate. Create a sticky button so the online visitor can engage with any place on the website.

9. Not Focus on Anchor Text

Some SEO people ignore optimizing target keywords on anchor text. The anchor text of internal linking passes the link juice on each page, so the page and domain authority will increase. The target keyword anchor text on the backlink improves the website rank higher.

10. Provide Text Only content

If you write text-only content on your webpage or blog post, the user may be bored, and the user can’t observe all the details from your text-only content so use graphic, chart presentation, animation explainer content. The video content gives more engagement compared to any other content type.

11. Ignore Responsive design

Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm easily finds your website not ready for the mobile visitor, so the algorithm is not let your website get a higher rank. 90% of online your come from mobile, so if you do not make your website responsive, you will lose substantial online visitors. The recent google core vital update check your website responsiveness, user experience, and user interface. If the google core vital update finds any error on your website, it makes your website rank very low.

12. Write only search engine

Some content writers and SEO analysts write the content only for search engine and ranking purposes. If you write content for ranking purposes, you maybe get a better rank, but your audience checks your website content and is not satisfied; they instantly left your website so that you will get a high bounce rate. The highest bounce rate will reduce your rank. Write the content for a particular audience segment. This method may get low traffic, but you will get high CTR.